Raelyn Tan Logo

Confidently Start, Grow, & Monetize Your Email List With My Signature Done-For-You List Building Incubator.

Instantly access everything you TRULY need to be a master of your email list… all ready for you in ONE beautiful dashboard & just a few clicks away!
List Building Incubator Mockup

2015 was a dark, dark year for my online business...

  • I would publish piece after piece of content online. Crickets...

  • Send regular newsletters to my tiny email list. Crickets...

  • I dreaded publishing on Facebook because a part of me always wondered if anyone would bother reading it anyway. Crickets...

  • I even tried to sell... I knew my offer would absolutely help people. But sales weren’t exactly great and there was nothing to shout about.

I wasted months trying to trial and error & piece things together, multiple times I nearly gave up, and I spent over $10,000 with no return and only a handful of subscribers to show for it.

2015 was a dark, dark year for my online business...

  • I would publish piece after piece of content online. Crickets...

  • Send regular newsletters to my tiny email list. Crickets...

  • I dreaded publishing on Facebook because a part of me always wondered if anyone would bother reading it anyway. Crickets...

  • I even tried to sell... I knew my offer would absolutely help people. But sales weren’t exactly great and there was nothing to shout about.

I wasted months trying to trial and error & piece things together, multiple times I nearly gave up, and I spent over $10,000 with no return and only a handful of subscribers to show for it.

Here’s The Thing - Almost Every Online Entrepreneur Will Know The Money Is In Your List, And You Must Build An Audience If You Want To Have A Profitable Online Business.

(YES BUT...)

This means you know that...

✅ When you grow your list, you grow a hotbed of potential customers who know, like, and trust you.... that will become buyers

✅ Traffic and subscribers are the lifeblood of any online business. Without new leads flowing in daily, your business is screwed.

✅ Building your email list should be the #1 priority of any serious online business.   

BUT what’s rarely discussed is HOW you can get there and WHY so many entrepreneurs DON’T actually end up getting the subscribers that they deserve. 

A Frightening Truth:

How Reading Thousands of Marketing Articles & Buying Multiple “Step-By-Step” List Building Courses Did NOT Help Me Grow My Email List... & What I Discovered The REAL Problem Was...

I thought carefully about whether I wanted to share this story of mine, because I feel like I am breaking some unspoken rule in the online course industry.

But you know, I believe that service triumphs secrets. I don’t want people to make the same mistakes I did.

I was once an “addicted” information hoarder, following “gurus” even when they had no real marketing background, buying multiple courses that claimed to have the solution... but none of them conclusively helped me to grow my email list.

It wasn’t like I didn’t work hard, I worked extremely hard but growing my business felt like I was constantly trying to drive into a wall... with no results.

Looking back, I discovered the REAL REASON WHY I spent so long in a cycle of confusion despite trying my best to master my email list:

Most articles and list building courses are NOT focused on giving you what you REALLY need to build your email list successfully… because it takes WAY too much work to provide that!


Most list building courses, though well-intentioned, are very much GURU-FOCUSED (“oh look what worked for me & hence this exact system must work for you too!”) and STOP at giving you information.

So you get a random hodgepodge of information… leaving you to fill in the h-u-g-e gaps yourself to bridge information to results!

Let’s just put it this way: If it was sooo easy to build a sustainable list building system and grow your list to tens of thousands of subscribers, everyone would have done so already.

Just like how an infant requires more care than an adult, growing your list to your first ~5K subscribers requires significant strategy & help for that to successfully happen.

After all, you’re trying to build an engaged audience from scratch!

Starting, growing, and monetizing your email list successfully takes a lot more than absorbing the “right” information.

Information is NOT the only thing you need.

There’s the personalized marketing strategy (no, what worked for the guru may not work for you specifically), the correct sequence of implementation, the tech proficiency that’s needed, all the digital assets you have to build correctly, there’s the copywriting, the psychology, and the support system involved too… and so much more.

These are all key essentials that other list building programs CONVENIENTLY IGNORE because it takes too much expertise and trouble for them to deliver…

...Things that you don’t know you need… until you actually need them.

Fast forward 5 years later, with over 40,000 subscribers, thousands of customers, roughly 500 jugs of coffee ingested, & even a first-class honors business degree specializing in marketing to boot (this was actually surprisingly useful)...


(An almost exponential growth for my first 5K subscribers!)

I discovered a solution to this accidentally...

Here’s what happened a couple of years back…

Raelyn Tan
When I was at my 10,000th subscriber or so - at that point, I was helping 1:1 clients and several dozen course students to grow and monetize their email lists.

I would tell a customer (I was helping) to do something, but it wouldn’t get done correctly...

Something would go awry along the way.

It was a hit or miss… sometimes they got it done right, sometimes additional guidance was needed.

Private 1:1 clients would PM me with specific list building questions, and many times, after much back-and-forth, I ended up creating an entire asset or resource for them altogether.
Each time, it reminded me of how I was years ago, who despite reading thousands of articles & having an arsenal of courses at my disposal…. STILL had to constantly iterate and optimize as I tried my best to follow someone else’s “modules and lessons”...

I would implement a strategy & then after weeks realize that there were many gaping holes and things I had to do which I wasn’t given help with.

If only someone had already created a certain template for me.

If only someone had given me psychologically tested copy scripts to start with…
If only someone could give me the wireframe of what a list building system that works would look like…

If only I could get tech tutorials whenever I stumbled...

If only I had professionally designed assets at my disposal…….

If only, if only.

I realized that the “help” that courses and coaches were providing were insufficient, and that there needs to be more MULTI-DIMENSIONAL help beyond just video lessons.

I would tell customers why something would work and why something else wouldn’t.

I would audit their website layout.

Create their content editorial calendar.

Optimize their social media for subscribers.

Structure freebies.

Write emails.

Tell them why specific content pieces would work.

Analyze why an email campaign only made $20 and not $20,000.

And so on.

Over the years, I SOP-ed it ALL into lessons & spreadsheets & templates & checklists & procedures & over-my-shoulder tech walkthroughs & so much more…

Now, 99% of the time, when I get a question, I can almost always direct customers to a lesson or resource that I have pre-created, and the person will inevitably end up with the right results.

You will likely need A LOT of hand-holding to grow and make money from your list, especially if you have never done so before.

Most people need more than lessons & modules (although that’s important too) --- they also need someone to go above and beyond.
For me, I realized that this involves not just information, but A SPECTRUM OF DONE-FOR-YOU ASSETS & RESOURCES that you will need to grow your email list from an “infant” into the most profitable asset of your business.
Basically, an expert actually has to do the “work” up-front for you so that you don’t have to do it later. (because you’ll eventually have to)

This also erases the constant addiction to more information and reduces overwhelm... by leaving nothing to chance when it comes to list building...  so that you won’t keep back-pedalling & second-guessing yourself.

After a ton of research, serving 1:1 clients, thousands of customers, hiring coders & designers, years of background in marketing, and of course growing my own email list from scratch...  it has all cumulated into the creation of The List Building Incubator. 

The List Building Incubator Is a Done-For-You Email List Mastery Program For Online Entrepreneurs.

Upon Enrollment, You Will Be Plugged Directly Into My Proprietary Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard Filled With Everything You TRULY Need To Start, Grow, & Monetize Your Email List… all ready for you and just a few clicks away.

YES, I give you the proven curriculum & strategies you need, but we don’t stop there.

I seek to set a new standard in the email marketing landscape.

One where everything you TRULY need to grow and monetize your email list… are all available at your fingertips in one beautiful dashboard.

Because it’s all already DONE FOR YOU by an expert (and the designers, coders, mentors, etc that I hired).
(Please note… this is not a magic pill. You still have to do the work. Growing a business is NOT for the faint-hearted. This shortcuts the process though)

Inside The List Building Incubator, You Get Access To...


… what you TRULY need to grow and make money from your email list… all organized, anticipated, & ready for you.

These are all things you will come to desperately need as you attempt to grow your email list, BUT I don't see being provided in the market.

As much as possible, I wanted to "fool-proof" your ability to get subscribers and master this critical skill of list building.

Any more comprehensive and I might have to go over to your house and do the work for you myself… :)

Our Secret Sauce: The Dashboard

The Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard Doesn't Just Give You Everything Your Email List Needs... It Is Also An Organized List Building Plan That Actually Works.

You get a beautiful dashboard of ALL the resources you need, categorized neatly by colors (like a rainbow spectrum)... and organized into a proven list building system.

Check out how the dashboard looks like below: Access each resource with just a click!

The Rainbow Spectrum

The Main
Video Lessons
Planning Sheets
Case Studies
Design Templates
You get all the video lessons, assets, tech, support, etc that you need to grow that email list of yours... all within one organized dashboard.

Focus on implementing the real work that actually makes a difference to YOUR business… without facing ~90% of the issues that other online business owners usually have to deal with!

This smart dashboard has helped many students get their first 1,000... 3,000... 5,000 subscribers… and then converts these subscribers into paying customers like clockwork… by doing a huge majority of the heavy lifting for you!

Consider List Building... Hacked!

A Carefully Crafted, Yet Mercilessly Tested, Done-For-You List Building System

The strategies in this program (the new + upgraded version of Traffic Subscribers Yours) has been steadily improved over the last 4 - 5 years, from 2016 - 2020 and have already gone through 5 massive updates (roughly once a year in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and now completely revamped in 2020 under a new brand).

My own list has grown from NIL to 40,000 subscribers over the past few years… And I’m talking sustainable and consistent growth, not those “one-hit viral” kinda growth where you get a traffic spike and it dies after a few days.


We’ve also had over 200 students go through different versions of this program for years, as I continue improving the curriculum to ensure you get results as efficiently as possible.

It is easy for some guru to just spew a strategy here and there just because something has worked by luck momentarily... it is another to understand the marketing principles behind WHY certain strategies work, and be capable of replicating the success with real students.

Having worked with many online businesses specifically to help them grow their email lists, I understand all the different nuances behind why a business could possibly FAIL to grow a profitable email list sustainably.

You won’t just learn all the strategies you need, I also give you the right order things have to be done, and how to organize everything into a list building system that works.

Done-For-You Proven Curriculum

You will also get UNLIMITED access to the ENTIRE curriculum immediately upon enrollment. 

I don't just "splatter" you with a strategy here and a strategy there and call it a day.

These are comprehensive modules that will change the trajectory of your business and are absolutely essential if you want to build your email list in a POWERFUL, yet SUSTAINABLE, manner.

In fact, I also dive into the exact strategies that grew my email list to over 40,000 subscribers today.

These are the exact PROVEN techniques that have worked for me & hundreds of online entrepreneurs - from past incubator students to my 1:1 private clients. 

(These strategies took me years to master)

Many students have feedbacked that they never had to buy another similar program again…  because the incubator has everything they need… and more!

Our Comprehensive Curriculum Is Broken Down Into 3 Structured Phases.

From getting your list system up, to search traffic, to social media mastery, to ninja list tactics – Everything you need to start, grow, and monetize your email list will be covered, organized into 3 structured phases:

Phase 1: Systems

Phase 1: Systems

The 6 Core Brand Pillars
The 6 Core  

Brand Pillars

Build a credible & attractive online brand so that people will naturally gravitate to you.
The 5* Viral Freebie Formula
The 5* Signature 
Freebie Formula
Learn how to create a signature freebie... and turn it into a crucial business asset that will generate new subscribers for you daily.
The Unicorn List Building System
The Unicorn List
Building System
Create a high-converting list building system that works for you 24/7, using my 5-step unicorn list systems blueprint! Create curiosity-based landing pages, send the right welcome sequence, and more. 
The Profit Methodology Framework
The Profit Alignment Methodology
Discover the 7 "alignment levers" that you must optimize to successfully build a quality list of targeted subscribers with a high propensity to buy
Website Conversion Optimizer
Website Conversion
Optimize your website and convert browsers into subscribers by placing opt-in forms strategically at proven hot spots! (Based on my conversion data collected from over 1 million visitors over the years)

Phase 2: Growth

Personalized List
Personalized List
Building Hat
Use my interactive flowchart to understand which list growth strategy will work the BEST for YOUR business right now... 
Powerhouse Blogging
Powerhouse Blogging Using The 3x3 Content Formula
Use my proprietary "3 x 3 content formula" to create addictive content that your ideal avatar will salivate over... using proven content archetypes! 

Phase 2: Growth

SEO Search Surge
SEO Search Surge
Master the ins and outs of SEO to generate FREE organic traffic for years to come… without overcomplicating things and getting overwhelmed by the technical stuff.
Automated Pinterest Mastery
Pinterest Mastery
My latest Pinning system + step-by-step instructions to get Pinterest traffic & automate your pinning. (I’ve gained over 60K followers & 10K subscribers from Pinterest)
Partnerships & Joint Ventures
Partnerships & Joint
I cover all the different ways you can leverage on partnerships and collaborate with other businesses to grow your list exponentially... even if you're an introvert like me.
Facebook Ads x Funnels Power
Facebook Ads x
Funnels Power
How to launch a pilot paid traffic campaign to gain subscribers on-demand... with safety nets to ensure you have a plan to get your ad spend back! (I've made over $400k in sales from FB ads)
2X Subscriber Multiplier Campaign
2X Subscriber
Multiplier Campaign
Up to 2X the size of your email list by getting your existing subscribers to spread the word... by launching a subscriber multiplier campaign!
Reveal Publicity
+ many other insider techniques that I will not reveal publicly here...

Phase 3: Monetize

Phase 3: Monetize

Buyer Psychology Mastery
Buyer Psychology 


Understand the true psychology behind WHY someone buys... & the 3 key ingredients you need in your promotional campaigns to increase conversion rates.
The Pre-Selling Sequence
The Pre-Launch 


Build demand for your products and services and "hand-hold" leads through the buying journey with this pre-launch sequence.
The Pilot Launch Sequence
The Pilot Launch
This is the exact email sequence I recommend you to send in order to make your first pot of money from your email list. 
The Flash Sales Sequence
The Flash Sales 


Many customers of mine have used this crazy effective sequence to make money from their email list in a matter of days! 
How To Sell Without Being Salesy
How To Sell Without Being Salesy
Learn the 7 top strategies I've discovered over the years to sell your paid offers more effortlessly... (by not sounding like a giant sleazeball) 

+ Get my plug-and-play email templates, revenue projection calculator, subscriber value calculator, launch tracker, email sequence sheets, post-launch analysis, funnel strategy sheets, and so much more!

Done For You Prototypes & Digital Assets Lab

Sneak Peeks
Watch the screen for sneak peeks!
Access our lab filled with done-for-you digital assets worth thousands of dollars… that you will need in your business for years to come!

Everything that can be pre-created, has already been prepared for you beforehand. 

Your online business needs digital assets to run smoothly without over-relying on your manual sweat. e.g. landing pages, editorial calendars, email sequences, trackers, planning sheets, etc… (AND they need to be crafted in a certain way to actually work properly)

These done-for-you assets will save you months of your precious time, as you no longer have to create each asset from scratch, wasting significant time & energy trying to piece things together......

Craft & launch digital assets with EASE and ASSURANCE that you’re on the right track... by tapping into my done-for-you asset lab full of prototypes, templates, swipes, and more... that you can plug-and-play. 

Done For You Profit Sales Sequences

Get insider access to the proven behind-the-scenes sales email templates that I use to convert my subscribers into customers!

I also teach you the strategy & psychology behind each sequence as well… so that you can create your own sales sequences for years to come!

By learning how to systematically convert your subscribers into buyers, you will be able to build a very profitable business EVEN with a small list.

Why? You will be able to nurture and sell to each subscriber properly, hence maximizing the profit potential of your list.

(Plus you get to serve your subscribers on a deeper level… as customers!)

Simply swipe and customize these sequences to plug-and-play!

Done-For-You Tech Tutorial Library (Frequently Updated Based On Student Feedback!)

You also get access to a whole library of tried-and-tested tech tutorials that I am constantly adding to. Tech issues, begone!

If more than 3 students face the same tech issue, I usually record something and add it into the library for everyone to benefit together.

One Year Of Personal Support In Our Student-Only FB Group

Ask your questions and get a reply inside our FB student-only group!

Unlike other groups where the course creator hires some VA to answer questions on their behalf, I answer all questions PERSONALLY to ensure that you get the help you need.

Get Your Questions Answered
Get Your Questions Answered
 Raelyn Tan Logo Confidently Start, Grow, & Monetize Your Email List With My Proven Done-For-You List Building Incubator. Instantly access everything you TRULY need to be a master of your email list… all ready for you in ONE beautiful dashboard & just a few clicks away! Get Access Today 2015 was a dark, dark year for my online business      I would publish piece after piece of content online. Crickets...     Send regular newsletters to my tiny email list. Crickets...     I dreaded publishing Facebook posts on my page because a part of me always wondered if anyone would bother reading it anyway. Crickets...     Oh! I also tried to sell... I knew my offer would absolutely help people. But sales weren’t exactly great and there was nothing to shout about.  I wasted months trying to trial and error & piece things together, multiple times I nearly gave up, and I spent almost $10,000 with no return and only a handful of subscribers to show for it. I heard of entrepreneurs with tens of thousands of subscribers & couldn’t help but wonder how they did it… The only people on my email list were my mom & a few strangers. I would get a “glimpse” of techniques here and there, maybe try a couple of list building strategies… but I was still spending hours on my business with little tangible reward… I was trying to provide so much value, creating piece after piece of content… Yet nobody seemed to care, because they didn’t even know that my business existed! Deep in my heart, I knew that my current state (of being my industry's best-kept secret) wasn't sustainable for my online business OR bank account. The Money Is In Your List, And You Must Build An Audience If You Want To Have A Successful Online Business… YES BUT... When you grow your list, you grow a hotbed of potential customers who know, like, and trust you.... that you can eventually sell to.  (Btw: My email list has consistently been the #1 profit generator in my business, bringing me over 80% of my revenue!!)  Building your email list should be the #1 priority of any serious online business.  Traffic and subscribers are the lifeblood of any online business. Without new leads flowing in daily, your business is screwed.  Here’s the thing - almost every online entrepreneur will know that having a growing, profitable, email list is a key asset for any business... BUT what’s rarely discussed is HOW you can get there and WHY so many entrepreneurs DON’T actually end up getting the subscribers that they deserve.  So I’m going to share with you... How Reading Thousands of Marketing Articles & Buying Multiple “Step-By-Step” List Building Courses Did NOT Help Me Grow My Email List... & What I Discovered The REAL Problem Was... I thought carefully about whether I wanted to share this story of mine, because I feel like I am breaking some unspoken rule in the online course industry.  But you know, I believe that service triumphs secrets. I don’t want people to make the same mistakes I did.  I was once an “addicted” information hoarder, following anyone who claimed to be a “guru” even when they had no real marketing background, buying multiple courses that claimed to have the solution... but none of them conclusively helped me to grow my email list.  It wasn’t like I didn’t work hard, I worked extremely hard but growing my business felt like I was constantly trying to drive into a wall... with no results.  Looking back, I discovered the REAL REASON WHY I spent so long in a cycle of confusion despite trying my best to master my email list Here’s What I Discovered: Most articles and list building courses are NOT focused on giving you what you REALLY need to build your email list successfully… because it takes WAY too much work to provide that! Most list building courses, though well-intentioned, are very much GURU-FOCUSED (“oh look what worked for me & hence this exact system must work for you too!”) and STOP at giving you information.  So you get a random hodgepodge of information… leaving you to fill in the h-u-g-e gaps yourself to bridge information to results!  Let’s just put it this way: If it was sooo easy to build a sustainable list building system and grow your list to tens of thousands of subscribers, everyone would have done so already.  Just like how an infant requires more care than an adult, growing your list when it is still an infant (i.e. <3000 subscribers) requires significant strategy & help for it to grow successfully.  After all, you’re trying to build an engaged audience from scratch!  The truth is that it takes a lot of stars to align to be able to attract traffic and subscribers on-demand & convert them into paying customers. Starting, growing, and monetizing your email list successfully takes a lot more than absorbing the “right” information. First off, many of the articles and even some “premium” courses are preaching the wrong tired strategies. And even IF the strategies are conceptually correct… having the “right” information is NOT the only thing you need.

  There’s the personalized marketing strategy (no, what worked for the guru may not work for you specifically), the correct sequence of implementation, the tech proficiency that’s needed, all the digital assets you have to build correctly, there’s the copywriting, the psychology, and the support system involved too… and so much more.  These are all key essentials that other list building programs CONVENIENTLY IGNORE because it takes too much expertise and trouble for them to deliver… 
  ...Things that you don’t know you need… until you actually need them. Fast forward 5 years later, with over 40,000 subscribers, 7,000 customers, roughly 500 jugs of coffee ingested, & even a first-class honors business degree specializing in marketing to boot (this was actually surprisingly useful)... (An almost exponential growth for my first 5K subscribers!) I discovered a solution to this accidentally... Here’s what happened a couple of years back… When I was at my 10,000th subscriber or so - at that point, I was helping 1:1 clients and several dozen course students to grow and monetize their email lists.  I would tell a customer (I was helping) to do something, but it wouldn’t get done correctly...  Something would go awry along the way.  It was a hit or miss… sometimes they got it done right, sometimes additional guidance was needed.  Private 1:1 clients would PM me with specific list building questions, and many times, after much back-and-forth, I ended up creating an entire asset or resource for them altogether. Each time, it reminded me of how I was years ago, who despite reading thousands of articles & having an arsenal of courses at my disposal…. STILL had to constantly iterate and optimize as I tried my best to follow someone else’s “modules and lessons”...  I would implement a strategy & then after weeks realize that there were many gaping holes and things I had to do which I wasn’t given help with. If only someone had already created a certain template for me. If only someone had given me psychologically tested copy scripts to start with… If only someone could give me the wireframe of what a list building system that works would look like… If only I could get tech tutorials whenever I stumbled... If only I had professionally designed assets at my disposal……. If only, if only. I realized that the “help” that courses and coaches were providing were insufficient, and that there needs to be more MULTI-DIMENSIONAL help beyond just video lessons.  I would tell customers why something would work and why something else wouldn’t.  I would audit their website layout.  Create their content editorial calendar.  Optimize their social media for subscribers.  Structure freebies.  Write emails.  Tell them why specific content pieces would work.  Analyze why an email campaign only made $20 and not $20,000.  And so on. Over the years, I SOP-ed it ALL into lessons & spreadsheets & templates & checklists & procedures & over-my-shoulder tech walkthroughs & so much more… Now, 99% of the time, when I get a question, I can almost always direct customers to a lesson or resource that I have pre-created, and the person will inevitably end up with the right results.  You will likely need A LOT more hand-holding than expected to grow and make money from your list, especially if you have never done so before.  Most people need more than lessons & modules (although that’s important too) --- they also need someone to go above and beyond. For me, I realized that this involves providing not just information, but also A SPECTRUM OF DONE-FOR-YOU ASSETS & RESOURCES that you will need to grow your email list from an “infant” into the most profitable asset of your business. Basically, an expert actually has to do the “work” up-front for you so that you don’t have to do it later. (because you’ll eventually have to)  This also erases the constant addiction to more information and reduces overwhelm... by leaving nothing to chance when it comes to list building...  so that you won’t keep back-pedalling & second-guessing yourself.  After a ton of research, serving 1:1 clients, thousands of customers, hiring coders & designers, years of background in marketing, and of course building my own email list from scratch...  it has all cumulated into the creation of The List Building Incubator. :) The List Building Incubator Is a Done-For-You Email List Mastery Program For Online Entrepreneurs. Upon Enrollment, You Will Be Plugged Directly Into My Proprietary Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard Filled With Everything You TRULY Need To Start, Grow, & Monetize Your Email List… all ready for you and just a few clicks away. YES, I give you the proven curriculum & strategies you need, but we don’t stop there.  I seek to set a new standard in the email marketing landscape.  One where everything you TRULY need to grow and monetize your email list… are all available at your fingertips in one beautiful dashboard.  Because it’s all already DONE FOR YOU by an expert (and the designers, coders, mentors, etc that I hired). (Please note… this is not a magic pill. You still have to do the work. Growing a business is NOT for the faint-hearted. This shortcuts the process though) Inside The List Building Incubator, You Get Access To... … what you TRULY need to grow and make money from your email list… all organized, anticipated, & ready for you.  These are all things you will come to desperately need as you attempt to grow your email list, BUT I don't see being provided.  As much as possible, I wanted to "fool-proof" your ability to get subscribers and master this critical skill of list building.  Any more comprehensive and I might have to go over to your house and do the work for you myself… :) Our Secret Sauce: The Dashboard The Spectrum List Building Dashboard Doesn't Just Give You Everything Your Email List Needs... It Is Also An Organized List Building Plan That Actually Works. You get a beautiful dashboard of ALL the resources you need, categorized neatly by colors (like a rainbow spectrum)... and organized into a proven list building system. Check out how the dashboard looks like below: Access each resource with just a click! The Rainbow Spectrum The Main Video Lessons Tech
 Tutorials Worksheet/
 Planning Sheets Tool
 Walkthroughs Checklists Scorecards Trackers Copy Templates Calendars Case Studies Calculators Design Templates You get all the video lessons, assets, tech, support, etc that you need to grow that email list of yours... all within one organized dashboard.  Focus on implementing the real work that actually makes a difference to YOUR business… without facing ~90% of the issues that other online business owners usually have to deal with!  This smart dashboard has helped many students get their first 1,000... 3,000... 5,000 subscribers… and then converts these subscribers into paying customers like clockwork… by doing a huge majority of the heavy lifting for you! Consider List Building... Hacked! A Carefully Crafted, Yet Mercilessly Tested, Done-For-You List Building System This program (formerly Traffic Subscribers Yours) has been steadily improved over the last 4-5 years, from 2016 - 2020 and have already gone through 5 massive updates (roughly once a year in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and now 2020).  My own list has grown from NIL to 40,000 subscribers over the past few years… And I’m talking sustainable and consistent growth, not those “one-hit viral” kinda growth where you get a traffic spike and it dies after a few days.
We’ve also had over 200 students go through different versions of this program for years, as I continue improving the curriculum to ensure you get results as efficiently as possible.  

It is easy for some guru to just spew a strategy here and there just because something has worked by luck momentarily... it is another to understand the marketing principles behind WHY certain strategies work, and be capable of replicating the success with real students.  Having worked with many online businesses specifically to help them grow their email lists, I understand all the different nuances behind why a business could possibly FAIL to grow a profitable email list sustainably.  You won’t just learn all the strategies you need, I also give you the right order things have to be done, and how to organize everything into a list building system that works.  A step-by-step action plan to grow your email list without all the guesswork? CHECK! Done-For-You Proven Curriculum You will also get UNLIMITED access to the ENTIRE curriculum immediately upon enrollment.  I don't just "splatter" you with a strategy here and a strategy there and call it a day.  These are comprehensive modules that will change the trajectory of your business and are absolutely essential if you want to build your email list and grow your audience in a POWERFUL, yet SUSTAINABLE, manner.  In fact, I also dive into the exact strategies that grew my email list to over 40,000 subscribers today.  These are the exact PROVEN techniques that have worked for me & hundreds of online entrepreneurs - from past incubator students to my 1:1 private clients. 
  Educate yourself with tried-and-tested list building strategies that your online business needs to survive and thrive… these strategies took me years to learn and master. Many students have feedbacked that they never had to buy another similar program again…  because the incubator has everything they need… and more! Our Comprehensive Curriculum Is
Broken Down Into 3 Structured Phases. From getting your list system up, to search traffic, to social media mastery, to ninja list tactics – Everything you need to start, grow, and monetize your email list will be covered, organized into 3 structured phases: Phase 1: Systems The 6 Core Brand Pillars Build a credible & attractive online brand so that people will naturally gravitate to YOU... (if every entrepreneur fixed these, list building would be so much easier!) The 5* Viral Freebie Formula Identify what the BEST signature freebie should be for your business, access freebie templates to create it & learn how to turn your signature freebie into a crucial business asset that will generate you new subscribers everyday. The Unicorn List Building System Master how to build a high-converting list building system that works like clockwork for you 24/7, by following my 5-step list systems blueprint! Create a high converting landing page + thank you page, embed opt-in forms, send the right welcome email sequence, and more. (if you’re starting from scratch, we have an additional tutorial for you too!) The Profit Methodology Framework How to build a quality list of targeted subscribers with a higher propensity to buy. The 7 levers you need to optimize to align the front-end of your business (your list building system) with the back-end of your business (what you will sell) so that you can create a profitable business… without needing a huge list! Website Conversion Optimizer Ask for emails at proven hot spots on your website, based on my conversion data collected from over 1 million visitors over the years. Optimize once and reap the rewards for years to come as random website browsers are turned into subscribers on autopilot! Personalized List Building Sorting Hat First, learn about all the different proven list growth strategies and the pros and cons of implementing each one. Then, use my interactive flowchart to understand which list growth strategy will work the BEST for YOUR business right now... (based on your personality, resources, niche, and where your specific business is at now) Powerhouse Blogging Using The 3x3 Content Formula Master the art of leveraged blogging to bring in website traffic, using various proprietary techniques I've discovered over the years. Start creating content effectively, and then learn how to maximize each article you've written to bring in more traffic to your site. Phase 2: Growth SEO Search Surge SEO is a KEY skill you must master if you want to run a sustainable online business. Learn how to implement SEO to ensure that your content you worked so hard to create will generate FREE organic traffic for years to come… without over-complicating things. Automated Pinterest Mastery My latest Pinning system + step-by-step instructions to get Pinterest traffic & automate your pinning. I show you how to get started with Pinterest, create stand-out pins, get search traffic with Pinterest, and much more! I even take you back-end to my scheduler and show you exactly how I pin. (I’ve gained over 10,000 subscribers from Pinterest) Partnerships & Joint Ventures Tap into audiences bigger than yours to grow your community exponentially! I cover all the different ways you can leverage on partnerships and collaborate with other bloggers, podcasters, youtubers, influencers, and thought leaders to grow your list in an exponential manner, even if you're an introvert like me. Facebook Ads x Funnels Power I combine the power of Facebook ads and sales funnels to teach you how you can launch your first pilot paid traffic campaign to get you subscribers on-demand... with multiple safety nets to ensure that whatever money you spend, you have a plan to get your money back! (I've made over $400k in sales from Facebook ads) 2X Subscriber Multiplier Campaign Up to 2X the size of your email list using a series of techniques that I will teach you... without having to spend a single cent! The trick? Getting your existing subscribers to spread the word! Works like gangbusters. + many other insider techniques that I will not reveal publicly here... Phase 3: Monetize Buyer Psychology Mastery Understand the true psychology behind WHY someone will buy from you... & the 3 key ingredients that you have to incorporate into your email sales sequences ASAP to increase your sales. The Pre-Selling Sequence Build demand for your products and services and "hand-hold" leads through the buying journey with this pre-launch email sequence, in an authentic manner! This is a crucial step in the browser-to-customer journey. (Includes proven email templates you can plug-and-play) The Pilot Launch Sequence This is the exact email sequence I recommend you send in order to validate your email list and your offer... to make your first pot of money from your email list. (Includes proven email templates you can plug-and-play) The Flash Sales Sequence Many customers of mine have used this crazy effective sequence to make money from their email list in a matter of days! (Includes proven email templates you can plug-and-play) How To Sell Without Being Salesy Simple but dead effective strategies I've discovered over the years to sell authentically without sounding like a slimeball while STILL making the sale. + Get my revenue projection calculator, subscriber value calculator, launch tracker, email sequence sheets, post-launch analysis, funnel strategy sheets, and so much more! Done For You Prototypes & Digital Assets Lab Watch the screen for sneak peeks! Access our lab filled with done-for-you digital assets worth thousands of dollars… that you will need in your business for years to come!  Everything that can be pre-created, has already been prepared for you beforehand.   Your online business needs digital assets to run smoothly without over-relying on your manual sweat. e.g. landing pages, editorial calendars, email sequences, email planning calendars, etc… (AND they need to be crafted in a certain way to actually work properly)  These done-for-you assets will save you months of your precious time, as you no longer have to create each asset from scratch, wasting significant time & energy trying to piece things together......
  Craft & launch digital assets with EASE and ASSURANCE that you’re on the right track... by tapping into my done-for-you asset lab full of prototypes, templates, swipes, and more... that you can plug-and-play. All you need to do is to swipe and customize from a tried-and-tested starting point! Done For You Profit Sequences In the incubator, you also get insider access to my behind-the-scenes email sales sequences that I use to convert subscribers into paying customers!  Download my done-for-you profit sequences that have been proven to work for me and my students… Swipe and customize them to plug-and-play.  I also teach you the strategy & psychology behind each sequence as well… so that you can learn how to create your own sales sequences for years to come… (with tips on how to sell authentically and not sound like a giant sleazeball!)  By learning how to systematically convert your subscribers into paying customers, you will be able to build a very profitable business EVEN with a small list.  Why? This is because you will be able to nurture and sell to each subscriber properly, hence maximizing the profit potential of your list.  (Plus you get to serve your subscribers on a deeper level… as customers!) Done-For-You Tech Tutorial Library
(Frequently Updated Based On Student Feedback!) You also get access to a whole library of tried-and-tested tech tutorials that I am constantly adding to. Tech issues, begone!  If more than 3 students face the same tech issue, I usually record something and add it into the library for everyone to benefit together.  One Year Of Personal Support In Our Student-Only FB Group Ask your questions and get a reply inside our FB student-only group!  Unlike other groups where the course creator hires some VA to answer questions on their behalf, I answer all questions PERSONALLY to ensure that you get the help you need. Get Your Questions Answered Get Your Questions Answered Ask For Feedback Discover What Went Wrong Get Back On Track Emotional Support BONUSES Bonus #1:
25 Erroneous List Building Strategies I've Seen On Google - No BS Warning Notes (PDF) BS Warning Notes PDF Download my warning list of 25 incorrect list building strategies that I’ve seen being preached online that you should NOT be following. These are the hidden misconceptions of the industry. These incorrect strategies could sabotage your list building efforts and send you going around in circles for months trying to “figure it out”... Gain clarity and avoid these incorrect strategies with this PDF! Bonus #2:
"Tiny List, Big Profits" Audio Secrets Audio Secrets I reveal the techniques behind how some online entrepreneurs are able to grow very profitable businesses despite having a small email list in this personal audio secrets file... Learn practical strategies that will help you to unlock the full $$$ potential of your list! Bonus #3:
Content Creation Rockstar Tutorial Rockstar Tutorial ... "But I don't know what content to create..."  My exact 5-step process that will help you generate anywhere from 300 - 1000 content ideas for you to create content with... specific to your niche! These are not generic random ideas, but content ideas that have been proven to be exactly what YOUR ideal customers are asking about! Never run out of content ideas, ever again. Bonus #4:
My Private Interactive Launch Calendar Launch Calendar Use my personal smart + interactive launch calendar to help you to organize any promotion that you will be doing. Watch the video for a demonstration of how this smart calendar will give you instant clarity and organize your promotional efforts… It took me a lot of back-and-forth and $$$ to get this created for my business just as I like it. Use it in your business for years to come! Bonus #5:
25 Freebie Designer Templates Design Templates Get these done-for-you freebie templates made in Canva! Includes ebook templates, checklists, worksheets and more… that you can easily customize in Canva and launch a professionally designed freebie in a matter of days! Once Again, Here’s a Summary Of Everything You’ll Get In The Spectrum List Builder. List Building Incubator Mockup      Access To The Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard     (VALUE: $297)     Everything you TRULY need to start, grow, and monetize your email list... all already DONE for you & organized into a proven system.     Comprehensive List Building Curriculum     
(VALUE: $497)     Over 30 guided lessons containing the exact proven techniques that have helped me to attract over 40,000 subscribers & made 6-figures from my email list (+ have helped hundreds of students as well!)      ​Done-For-You Tech Tutorial Library
     (VALUE: $397)     Get 15 step-by-step tech walkthroughs so that you no longer have to waste days and weeks struggling with tech issues!      ​Done-For-You Prototypes & Assets Lab     
(VALUE: $497)     Unlock access to an entire lab of digital assets that you will need to create for your email list & online business… easily worth hundreds of dollars! (Includes Checklists, Trackers, Calculators, Design Templates, Email Templates, Planning Sheets, Calendars, & More!)      ​Done-For-You Profit Walkthroughs & Sequences     
(VALUE: $497)     Monetize your email list strategically & systematically to convert your subscribers into customers like clockwork… without having to sound like a giant sleazeball!      One Year Access To Personalized
Support In Our Private FB Group
(VALUE: $197)     Where I’m Actually Inside Answering Your Questions!)     Unlimited Updates To The Program 
(PRICELESS)     Bonus 1: 25 Erroneous Strategies I’ve Seen On Google Warning Notes PDF
(VALUE: $97)     ​Bonus 2: “Tiny List, Big Profits” Audio Secrets 
(VALUE: $197)     ​Bonus 3: Content Creation Rockstar
(VALUE: $397)     ​Bonus 4: My Private Smart +
Interactive Launch Calendar
(VALUE: $297)     ​Bonus 5: 25 Freebie Templates
(VALUE: $227)  TOTAL VALUE: $3597 USUAL PRICE: $997 TODAY’S PRICE: $397 PAYMENT PLAN: 3*$147 Get Access Today 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I am extremely confident that List Building Incubator will bring you amazing traffic and list growth.  If you do the work and still do not get any results, contact me within 30 days with all your completed worksheets for a full refund. All the risk is on me! Guarantee Badge More About The Creator of Spectrum List Builder, Raelyn Tan      Profitable list building specialist at raelyntan.com     ​First-class honors business degree specializing in marketing     ​Did content marketing & social media in corporate     ​I work from home & have been doing so for years (full-time since 2017)     ​First 1,000 subscribers in 4 months in 2016, over 40,000 subscribers now     ​Over 7,000 customers selling various digital products & services     ​Over 200 students in Spectrum List Builder (Formerly Traffic Subscribers Yours)  Raelyb Tan Sponsors Logo This Is How Your Life Could Change With The List Building Incubator... Rainbow Rocket      You wake up everyday to new subscribers signing up to your email list... abundantly.     When you publish a piece of content, you don’t hear crickets. You have a thriving community who appreciates you and your work.     You’re impacting the lives of people. You’re inspiring others doing work that you love. You are making the unique difference to the world that only you can bring.     You send an email out and have a big payday. Why? You’ve been nurturing a rapidly growing list & know how to sell authentically. People know, like, and trust you.     You check your stats and feel satisfied seeing your efforts get rewarded by tangible growth in your business.     You feel confident and relaxed working on your online business. You may work hard, but you also work smart & with a strategy.  Quick Comparison: Spectrum List Builder VS All The Other List Building Courses All Other List
 Building Courses      Very "touch and go" & just teach you generic strategies without filling in the gaps...     One size fits all, follow the mass-market program that expect thousands of businesses to grow their lists in the same manner     Spend months trying to execute all the different steps needed... getting stuck along the way... Things move VERY slowly because you have to create and figure everything yourself, SO much uncertainty     ​No care for the rest of your business and ensuring that your visibility efforts will actually end up being profitable. Usually due to a lack of marketing experience & copying of articles found on Google by the guru.     ​Throw students into a "Private Student-Only Facebook group" where their hired Virtual Assistant will answer your questions. You never hear from the course creator directly.  Spectrum List Builder      Comprehensive curriculum designed to equip you with all the crucial list building strategies that you need. Proven visibility techniques that have worked for me (>40k subscribers) and hundreds of other students.     Within the incubator, we expose you to multiple list building strategies that are working now... & then point you to the BEST list building strategy that works best for YOUR specific business  … using our signature flowchart.     Save months of your life every single time you dig into our done-for-you incubator lab full of templates, swipes, scripts, & more. You still have to do the work, but the workload has been majorly reduced by us.     Access our done-for-you proven profit sequences (+ the accompanying strategic walkthroughs) and master how to convert your subscribers into customers in a sleaze-free manner! We are focused on helping you to build a profitable email list of high quality subscribers who actually buy from you, rather than be bogged down by vanity metrics.     One year of personalized support DIRECTLY with me in our private student-only Facebook support group… where I actually show up.  What people are saying about the program Sabrina Leung "The course videos have given me really helpful and practical tips on how I can grow my traffic and email list. The step-by-step guidance makes things very easy to understand, and the results are amazing!  My traffic has more than doubled and I’m now at 1,700 page views per day. In just 10 days, I have also grown my email list by 500 subscribers to 1,500 subscribers."

  - Sabrina Leung, www.studentstoolbox.com Jenny Cavanaugh-Bond "This course is the best step-by-step course I’ve seen about getting more traffic and subscribers.  I’ve tried plenty of courses/webinars/experts to get my marketing on track and getting traction. Nothing compares to the way you present the information. It’s clear, concise with easy action steps that have taken me from floundering to focused. Not only that, it’s sustainable – while the initial implementation may take a little time, with Raelyn’s systems in place, the weekly input is so straightforward!  I was trying to get my marketing strategy to work for 6 months, to no avail! I now have 362 subscribers and that’s increasing steadily everyday. I’m utterly astounded at how simple it actually is."

  - Jenny Cavanaugh-Bond, www.inkypawsart.com - Jenny Cavanaugh-Bond "This course is the best step-by-step course I’ve seen about getting more traffic and subscribers.  I’ve tried plenty of courses/webinars/experts to get my marketing on track and getting traction. Nothing compares to the way you present the information. It’s clear, concise with easy action steps that have taken me from floundering to focused. Not only that, it’s sustainable – while the initial implementation may take a little time, with Raelyn’s systems in place, the weekly input is so straightforward!  I was trying to get my marketing strategy to work for 6 months, to no avail! I now have 362 subscribers and that’s increasing steadily everyday. I’m utterly astounded at how simple it actually is."

  - Jenny Cavanaugh-Bond, www.inkypawsart.com McKenzy Potter "Before taking Raelyn’s course I had 0 organic traffic, and the only other little traffic I had was coming from Pinterest. After implementing her strategies I have started to see actual organic traffic coming to my site every day, and my Pinterest traffic has even doubled!  From someone who has struggled to grow my email list, I am now at 500 subscribers in just a couple months and seeing it grow daily.  I’m excited to see how much more my business grows as I continue to use Raelyn’s strategies!"

  - McKenzy Potter, www.adoptingalifestyle.com Deja Cronley "I can’t say enough good things about Traffic Subscribers Yours!  Before this course I was frustrated with how slow my list was growing but now I am seeing consistent growth. I love receiving emails several times a day that I have new subscribers!  In about 6 weeks, I went from 121 to 738 subscribers!  This is the first course I’ve ever taken the time to write a testimonial for because it’s one of the first courses I took which truly helped me see increased growth in my traffic, subscribers, and business. Thanks for everything, Raelyn!"  - Deja Cronley, www.bloggingenthusiast.com Once Again, Here’s a Summary Of Everything You’ll Get In The Spectrum List Builder. List Building Incubartor Mockup      Access To The Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard     (VALUE: $297)     Everything you TRULY need to start, grow, and monetize your email list... all already DONE for you & organized into a proven system.     Comprehensive List Building Curriculum
     (VALUE: $497)     Over 30 guided lessons containing the exact proven techniques that have helped me to attract over 40,000 subscribers & made 6-figures from my email list (+ have helped hundreds of students as well!)      ​Done-For-You Tech Tutorial Library     
(VALUE: $397)     Get 15 step-by-step tech walkthroughs so that you no longer have to waste days and weeks struggling with tech issues!      ​Done-For-You Prototypes & Assets Lab     
(VALUE: $497)     Unlock access to an entire lab of digital assets that you will need to create for your email list & online business… easily worth hundreds of dollars! (Includes Checklists, Trackers, Calculators, Design Templates, Email Templates, Planning Sheets, Calendars, & More!)      ​Done-For-You Profit Walkthroughs & Sequences     
(VALUE: $497)     Monetize your email list strategically & systematically to convert your subscribers into customers like clockwork… without having to sound like a giant sleazeball!      One Year Access To Personalized
Support In Our Private FB Group
(VALUE: $197)     Where I’m Actually Inside Answering Your Questions!)     Unlimited Updates To The Program 
(PRICELESS)     Bonus 1: 25 Erroneous Strategies I’ve Seen On Google Warning Notes PDF
(VALUE: $97)     ​Bonus 2: “Tiny List, Big Profits” Audio Secrets 
(VALUE: $197)     ​Bonus 3: Content Creation Rockstar
(VALUE: $397)     ​Bonus 4: My Private Smart +
Interactive Launch Calendar
(VALUE: $297)     ​Bonus 5: 25 Freebie Templates
(VALUE: $227)  TOTAL VALUE: $3597 USUAL PRICE: $997 TODAY’S PRICE: $397 PAYMENT PLAN: 3*$147 Get Access Today 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE I am extremely confident that List Building Incubator will bring you amazing traffic and list growth.  If you do the work and still do not get any results, contact me within 30 days with all your completed worksheets for a full refund. All the risk is on me! Guarantee Badge FAQs      OMG, THIS IS INSANE VALUE! What’s the catch?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     What do you mean by “done-for-you”, does it mean you are doing everything for me and I don’t have to do a thing?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     I don’t know how to get more subscribers. Does this help with that?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     What if I don’t want to [insert specific traffic strategy]?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     Will we be following a step-by-step plan?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     What if I don’t like the program?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.      What if I am starting from complete scratch?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     Do I get normal course videos as well?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     What if I want to focus on my social media platforms instead and not my email list?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     Why should I listen to what you have to say?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     What if I run into tech issues?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     Why should I get this now?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.     How long do I have access for?     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.  Get Started Now Raelyn Tan Logo Privacy Policy - Terms of Use -  Support  This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. Browser out of Local Storage space - Clearing Undo history  Save as Template  You can use this template on all your pages inside of the editor. Name: Save as Personal Template BETA: Your experience may change as personal templates continue to be integrated into the editor. ALL Auto Responder Integration Here you will be able to hook up your integrations with your auto-responder service... Not Connected
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EXPIRING Bonus #1: 20 Erroneous List Building Strategies I've Seen On Google - No BS Warning Notes (PDF)
BS Warning Notes PDF
Download my controversial warning list of 20 incorrect list building strategies that I’ve seen being preached online that you should NOT be following. 

They could sabotage your list building efforts and waste months of your time as you go around in circles trying to “figure it out”... Gain clarity and stop being misled ASAP with this bonus!

EXPIRING Bonus #2: 
"Tiny List, Big Profits" Audio Secrets
Audio Secrets

I reveal the techniques behind how some online entrepreneurs are able to grow very profitable businesses despite having a tiny email list in this private audio secrets recording... 

Learn practical strategies that will help you to unlock the full $$$ potential of your list!

EXPIRING Bonus #3: Content Creation Rockstar Tutorial
Rockstar Tutorial

... "But I don't know what content to create..." Sounds familiar?

My ninja research process will help you generate anywhere from 300 - 1000 content ideas! These are not generic ideas, but content ideas that have been proven to be exactly what YOUR ideal customers are asking about! 

EXPIRING Bonus #4: The Newbie Catch-Up Solution (Training)

Starting from scratch? Quickly catch up with the rest of the class with this 2-part video series designed to help newbies jumpstart their website + email list... So that you can be ready to start, grow, and monetize your email list as soon as possible!

Learn how to start a new website, choose a website theme, install Wordpress, and more! If you have not started your email list, I go back to the bare bones basics and show you how to start your email list from scratch (the right way!)

Once Again, Here’s a Summary Of Everything You’ll Get In The List Building Incubator.

List Building Incubator Mockup
  • Access To The Spectrum List Hacking Dashboard

    (VALUE: $297)

    Everything you TRULY need to start, grow, and monetize your email list... all already DONE for you & organized neatly into a proven list building system that works.

  • Proven + Comprehensive List Building Curriculum

    (VALUE: $997)

    42 core video lessons containing the exact techniques that have helped me to gain over 40,000 subscribers & made 6-figures from my email list (+ have helped hundreds of students as well!) 

  • The List Building Incubator Tech Library

    (VALUE: $397)

    30 over-my-shoulder tech walkthroughs so that you no longer have to waste days and weeks struggling with tech issues!  

  • ​Done-For-You Digital Assets Lab

    (VALUE: $497)

    Unlock access to an entire lab of interactive digital assets that you will need to grow your online business… easily worth hundreds of dollars! Includes action checklists, calculators, design templates, copy scripts, one-click page templates, planning sheets, scorecards, calendars, etc. 

  • ​​Done-For-You Profit Sales Sequences

    (VALUE: $397)

    Convert your subscribers into customers systematically! Get over-my-shoulder walkthroughs of my most profitable sales sequences, understand why they work, and get the accompanying plug-and-play email templates as well.

  • ​One Year Access To Personalized
Support In Our Private FB Group

    (VALUE: $197)

    Unlike other creators that just hire a VA to answer your questions, I actually answer all questions personally & you get direct access to me.

  • Unlimited Updates To The Program (PRICELESS)

    I am constantly updating & adding new lessons into this program and intend to do so for years to come. This is an investment that grows with time!

  • Bonus 1: 20 Erroneous Strategies I’ve Seen On Google Warning Notes PDF (VALUE: $37)

  • ​Bonus 2: “Tiny List, Big Profits” Audio Secrets (VALUE: $37)

  • Bonus 3: Content Creation Rockstar (VALUE: $37)

  • ​Bonus 4: The Complete Newbie Catch Up Solution (VALUE: $47)


$397 TODAY

(Payment Plan Available: 3 x $147)


I am extremely confident that List Building Incubator will give you everything you truly need to start, grow, and monetize your email list.

As a small business myself, I take the happiness of each and every customer very seriously. You are not just a number. :)

If you are unhappy with The List Building Incubator for whatever reason, contact me within 14 days for a full refund. All the risk is on me!

Guarantee Badge

Who Is Behind The List Building Incubator?

Hey, I'm Raelyn Tan. I specialize in helping online businesses start, grow, and monetize their email lists.

  • Traffic and list building strategist at raelyntan.com
  • ​Blogging for 10 years (4+ years on this current biz)
  • ​First-class honors marketing degree
  • ​Total social following of over 60k+ entrepreneurs (FB, Insta, Pinterest, Twitter)
  • ​I work full-time from home online since 2017
  • ​0 to 1K subscribers in 4 months, over 40K subscribers now
  • ​​Creator of List Building Incubator, my signature program to help you start, grow, & monetize a profitable email list

Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

More About The Creator of The List Building Incubator, Raelyn Tan

  • Profitable list building specialist at raelyntan.com
  • ​First-class honors business degree specializing in marketing
  • ​Did content marketing & social media in corporate
  • ​I work from home & have been doing so for years (full-time since 2017)
  • ​First 1,000 subscribers in 4 months in 2016, over 40,000 subscribers now
  • ​Over 10,000 customers selling various digital products & services
  • ​Over 200 students in List Building Incubator (Formerly Traffic Subscribers Yours)
Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

Raelyb Tan
Sponsors Logo

This Is How Your Life Could Change With The List Building Incubator...

Rainbow Rocket
  • You wake up everyday to new subscribers signing up to your email list...

    When you publish content, you don’t hear crickets.

  • You have a thriving community who appreciates you and your work.

  • You’re impacting the lives of people while doing work that you love.

  • You send an email out and have a big payday. Why? You’ve been nurturing a rapidly growing list & know how to convert your subscribers into customers.

  • You check your stats and feel satisfied seeing your efforts get rewarded by tangible growth in your business.

  • You feel confident and relaxed working on your online business. You may work hard, but you also work smart & with a strategy.

What Our Students Have To Say About The List Building Incubator...

Sabrina Leung
"The course videos have given me really helpful and practical tips on how I can grow my traffic and email list. The step-by-step guidance makes things very easy to understand, and the results are amazing!

My traffic has more than doubled and I’m now at 1,700 page views per day. In just 10 days, I have also grown my email list by 500 subscribers to 1,500 subscribers."

- Sabrina L.

"I never really built up my list... and I've probably lost a lot of money by not building up my list. List Building Incubator has really given me the confidence to know that I'm putting a strategy in place...

With List Building Incubator, I've built up about 500 - 600 subscribers now. I wouldn't have been able to do it without LBI. 

The money I've earned, even with a small list, has most certainly paid for the price of the course, which I think should actually be more expensive!" 

- Lyndon Gibbings

"... When I discovered List Building Incubator (formerly Traffic Subscribers Yours), I thought that maybe this was what I needed. Today I have more than 2,000 subscribers and I have the tools to make it bigger..."

- Pharista Isis, www.cotepositif.com (French Personal Development)

"When I was struggling to grow my email list, I signed up for several "how to" courses. Each of them taught me the general strategies... But when I tried to put the theory into practice, I was lost. I realized that I still needed the next steps and I would get stuck on the tech... Each time I was feeling less confident, second-guessing myself, and worrying that my business will never become successful. 

My first impression of List Building Incubator was like WOW. I was intimidated at first, but then I realized that List Building Incubator was the most comphrensive system that I've ever seen. Everything that I need is organized into a full-proof dashboard. It's pretty awesome.

As I went through the course, each lesson delivered more and more. From helping me to understand the concepts and strategies, to showing me how to do something with a tech tutorial, to providing me with checklists and forms so I can implement everything. I felt like, I could actually do this!

I can't say enough about the quality of this program. It is obvious that Raelyn has put a lot into creating this system. The mere breadth of it demonstrates her level of authority as an online business leader. I am so grateful."

Giselle Ysidron, www.sewkids.ca

"Before LBI, I was overwhelmed with all the information out there, trying to piece together the things I was learning and wasn't getting anywhere. After I got LBI, I feel like I finally have a clear path to take to grow our email list. I love that there are so many plug-and-play templates that make it so easy to create emails, lead magnets, etc... a